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Astrology Readings
Astrology 101 with Paul Heath Hosted by Mystic Bayou
Join us and ask Paul questions about astrology Paul will also be offering free mini astrology reading!
I am Paul. When I reflect back on my life, I was always interested in astrology. I would read my daily horoscope in the newspaper every day and often wonder, “how do they know?”
One day I was told I am a “cusp of beauty” because my birthday was the last day of Virgo. I went home to research what cusp of beauty meant. My curiosity soared when finding out the meaning. I didn’t realize that I had just begun the journey of “Know Thyself.” Learning how to read my natal chart I acquired the skills to assist others with deciphering their own chart-energy. Astrology has helped me understand and accept me for who I am. Though still a work in progress, knowing about myself is surely making the process easier. I enjoy helping others (Virgo Sun) with the information I have gathered (Gemini Rising) that will help transform lives (Scorpio Moon) in a positive way. I look forward to meeting and working with you as we embark on your journey.

Paul offers :​
Birth Chart Readings: $ 150
Astrology readings: $60
Couples Readings: $170
If you would like to book an appointment with Paul, Please email: mysticbayoubsl@gmail.com for details